Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mother Hen with Her Little Chicks and Untold Stories.

Mother Hen!  Lol.  This name has followed me from Queenstown to Melbourne..especially the last couple of weeks...with work I haven't really been partying or drinking so the resposible me has kicked in.  Yes...I said is possble...besides my body was getting a little angry with me basically it said "Emmie if you don't cool it, you can go get fucked!"  I didn't need much convincing after that conversation, so I completely cut back got myself focused and the real me came into focus and I started focusing and ...I love it! 
It feels good to feel normal and focused with a goal to be out of Melbourne by late August early September, though I am trying to get a second job so it can happen by then. 
Everyone at the hostel is pretty much working so it has been more quiet then usual.  With that being said...everyone thinks it's funny and wierd that I am not drinking.  By the time I get home everyone is out or drunk in the kitchen so I make a tea and join them. "Emmie why you not drinking" says a French accent "because I just got home from work" "drink now"  "I dont like going to work hungover I like to feel fresh.  Besides, I'm a better person when I am sober" "no. you are more fun when you drink.  you always say ' Enzo come drink with me' and then you tell me how much you love me"  " I still do love you" "no.  you are sober now its different" "Enzo come be sober with me" " no...I dont want to do that"  so now everytime I see Enzo - Je taime Enzo..-Je taime Emmie...and then we are both happy lol. 
I'm on different schedules then the girls so I don't get to see them too much so I have made Sunday  "Family Day".  We go out and by candy, cake chips and dip, soda and make a picnic on the floor with our duvets and pillows and pig out and watch movies.  Harrison joins us sometimes...the only guy in our room. He's 18 and stuck with 5 females.  Poor guy lol he puts up with a lot, such as me waking him up in the morning tell him he has to get up and go out and get a job so he doesn't have to go home.  We love him though,  he is great and fun to have around...he has meshed well with us, he is around for morning girl talks or just girl talks in general but we usually don't let him say much as he is lucky enough to be aloud in the room when we talk about girl stuff.  One day Jemma walks up to his bunck and says "Harrison I would just like to let you know that when women live together their menstrual cycles tend to coincide." "wow" reply harrison in a monotone voice "I am learning so much" poor guy.  He came to Drax last Tuesday with a bunch of people from the hostel.  My manager said because my friends were in for the night that he would give me an early shift so I could sit and enjoy the show with them...AWESOME! Apparantly when they walked in Harrison was in awe...he felt he had found his calling lol I swear to you that through the whole show he looked like a guy that had gotten his first blow job hahaha!!! It's true, his mouth was open and curled into a smile in the corners, eyes wide open and he was speechless.  On the way home while we were all chatting on the tram he just sat there looking at his purchased Light Up Draculas cup with a faint smile on his face...a smile that someone gets when they are looking back on a great moment and conquer...and not even paying attention to anyone else...the night was worth the look on his face.  He slept with his cup that night.  We love him dearly.
We also have The Lilies in our room.  Yup thats right "Lilies",  it's plural, we have two of them, both from the UK.  There is Little Lily or "Lil" and the Other Lily (evertime we said little Lily she would say "so I am big Lily") so she is just Lily lol.  Lily's hair and make are always done perfectly and she is always in a nice dress, so really, she alwasy looks great.  I always think she is getting ready to go somewhere.  Even when she puts a hoodie on she looks good enough to go out. is Mother Hen in training.  When I am not around she makes sure everything is copasetic (so not spelled right) and running smoothly.  Little Lily or Lil is the youngest girl in our room.  Every morning she wakes up gets in the shower, sits on her bottom bunk and puts on her makeup still in her towel, gets dressed and then makes a cheese toasty (almost like a grilled cheese but yet quite different).  She loves us tons and always asks us for advice and when something happens she sometimes thinks "what would Emmie do" - hey don't laugh I can give amazing advice lol.  She has never seen E.T., loves apple vodka, always has cookies and never hesitates to buy a chocolate cake with me.
Then we have Jemma. Dearest Jemma.  She is from Wales and the last one to join us in room 3.  I haven't spent a lot of time with her due to the fact the weekend she moved in I barly remember and then started working but I love her just the same. She has the sweetest and most bubbly personality, even on down days you can still see bubbles in her.  She is pretty chilled out, wants a haircut but decided to let her hair grow to see how long she can get it before she goes home, is always up for girl time and family Sundays, always has cookies I can steal in the middle of the night and like me, loves curling up in bed on her bunk and watching movies or just talking and a bonus loves me reading my blogs to her, almost like xrated bed time stories!
Last but not least my Bonnie.  I don't know what I would do without this girl.  We have been inseperable since the day we met.  She is German but lives in Manchester, has amazing hair, beautiful eyes and the wakiest personality.  She makes me laugh so hard.  She has dorky days just like me and says the most random things that just make you laugh till you pee, and with her half german half english accent and english being her second language it's hilarious...the girls and I want to video tape her when she is in one of her moods.  We do get on eachothers nerves at times...Little Lily says we are like a married couple, especially when we cook-drunk-we have our own little way of cooking. She cuts the vegies and cleans up while I cook the pasta and sauce but we stand there and argue about how much food to make, we call eachother names pour another glass of wine and continue to argue and then sit down to a nice dinner and then do the dishes together.  Then we will curl up in bed with eachother for a snuggle before we go to bed. She even puts a blanket on me when I nap.  We always call the other one to make sure they are ok and that they will be home at a decent hour.
Then there of course is me. Mother Hen.  Telling stories of "when I was young..." lol I feel so old sometimes but even though I am the oldest and make sure they are ok they do the same for me when it's needed and when I leave for work I say "goodbye little chicks Mother Hen is off to work to make money for her little chicks"
We have all been pretty chiled out latelly.  We are all kind of stuck in St Kilda.  Well not really stuck, we love it here and eachother but none of us really have the money to travel around right now so it's a lot of movie watching, talking about work, discussing trips that we want to make but can't right now, complaining about the weather, and pigging out a lot.  I am so looking forward to moving on in my travels, there is a ton to do here but the weather makes it so you don't want to do anything.It's rainy and getting cold, it is lack of sunshine here so no one has the energy to do anything.  Nothing overly interesting has really happened lately so I thought it was a perfect opportunity to introduce you to my chicks and duckling and also tell you some untold stories/facts that I haven't written about.   Though the other night I did have an adventure.
I take the 16 tram to and from work, but, Swanston Street is shut down on the weekends so after work on Friday and Saturday the Trams are not running.  You have to walk up to Flinders which is about a 25 minute walk and by the time I would get up there I will have missed the last tram.  I wasn't impressed I had to cab it home Friday  night and asked Nik (from work) how he got home to St Kilda that night and he said he walked.  So Saturday night after work (which was about 1:30am) I decided to make the hour and a half walk with him.  Awesome idea!  It was a really nice night out and the walk was beautiful.  He is such a great tour guide, pointing out all the buildings and telling me what they were and when they were built.  He took me up to the Memorial Shrine and showed me the Eternal Flame where a couple was having a late night makeout session so we couldn't get too close.  "Did Nik sing that song to you at the Flame?" asked my manager my next shift "what song" "you know..." he looks around really akwardly and quietly sings "close your eyes, give me your hand darling, do you feel my heart beating..."  'umm no, was he supposed to?" lol.  Anyways the walk was really awesome, as much as it was nothing major it was still a little adventure, that ended with sore legs and a blister on my foot.  I got home about 3 am only to open the door to Bonnie looking at me going "are you drunk" " no not at all" "where were you its 3am" "the trams weren't running so Nik and I walked home from Drax" "you walked all the way home" "you it was awesome" Bonnie points to her watch and says "Emmie it's 3am, where is my text message to let me know you are going to be late" "if you were that concerned why didnt you text me" "I dont' have any crdit" "why didnt you use one of the girls  phones" "they were all sleeping" "oh shut up Bonnie."  Gotta love her.
At work we now have fangs that are mandatory..we have to wear them.  They a pretty cool you mould them to your teeth so you can just pop them in and out, they look real, but talking is a whole other story.  "Welcome tho Draculaths where all the vampirths have a lithp"  I swear I was spitting at tables or tableths ath I would thay with the fangths in.  I feel like everyone at the tables are looking at me, and to top it off the fangs make you druel, I have to keep sucking in because of the saliva build up in my mouth.   I was on Ghost Train unload and my usual "Welcome to Dracula's where the nightmare only gets worse, please go out the door and down the stairs and remember to keep those necks covered as it is breakfast and we are very very hungry" turned into "Welcome to Draculaths, please go out the door down the thtairths" I couldn't bare to say anything more then that because I sounded like an idiot, how can I be scary with a speech impediment, the two just don't go good together.  I even tried practicing at the hostel. I walked up to Alex and said look what I have to where to work "those are pretty cool" "want a blow job?" "no thanks" "I promith I won't bithe"  how can Buttercup play Sluttercup when sexy is now drueling with a speech impediment?  lol
As much as the speech impediment makes me feel retarded I must say that I have never felt more like a foreigner in my life. Slangs and words are so different over here that sometimes I dont know what people (Aussies and my UK friends) are saying.
Jumper = sweater
Football = soccer
Slab of beer = a 24 of beer
Brick of beer = a 6 pack of beer
I reckon = I think
Beenie = toque
Pedal bike = bike
Thongs = flip flops
Pants/knickers = underwear
Trousers = pants
Dooner = duvet
Rollies = cigarettes - we roll our own cigarettes. I know right?  Rolling my own's the cheapest way to smoke over here its about $15 for a pack of 20's
Bobble = hair elastic (not the one with the balls on it just a regular elastic)
Capsicum = peppers
Hair grip = bobby pins
Jacket potato = baked potato with the works
Bangers and mash = mashed potatos and sausage
Tomato sauce = kethcup
Pasta sauce = tomato sauce
How you going = how are you
Docket = chit (in the restaurant industry the orders come up on chits)
Roster = schedule
Mate = friend
Fanny = vagina
Singlet = tank top
Spirits = anything that is not beer or wine (back home spirits are pre mixed drinks like Smirnoff Ice and Rev)
Eftpos = debit machine
Toilet = bathroom/restroom (everyone says toilet even the signs)
Film = movie
- The cop cars here look like station wagons
- it's still confusing with the cars driving on the other side of the road though i watched a film the other day and it was wierd seeing the cars drive on the right side of the road
Lets go to the cinema = lets go to the movies
Wanker = idiot
He is a scab = he is not nice
your a muppet = your stupid
Hiya = hi
Boot of the car = trunk of the car
Bonnet of the car = hood of the car
Me misses = my girlfriend
- You can drink on the streets here till 11pm
- The price on the tag is what you pay the tax is already included
- their smallest coin is $2 and their biggest is 50 cents...I always think I have toonies in my wallet
I'm not to fussed = I don't really care
Mackers = McDonalds, it's actually advertised as Mackers in the commercials
Adverts = tv commercials or regular ads
Trolly = shopping cart
Checkout Chick = cashier
Footy = Aussie rules (football)
Heaps = a lot/tons
Cranzie = sausage
Trainers = runners
Flat = apartment
Snogging = kissing/making out
Cheese toasty = similar to a grilled cheese
Pull = to pick up a girl/guy.  Example "I pulled last night at the bar"  so wierd.
Drop Bears = a myth Aussies like to scare travellers with

Honestly I am probably missing a bunch of stuff but there is so much I am trying to get used to that I can't remember all of it.  I feel so foreign sometimes...I even hate asking people whtat the hell they are talking about because I feel like an idiot at times.  It's kind of's harder at work...sometimes I just stand there and my manager says "you didn't understand I word I said did you" "lol nope"
I also did forget to mention that a few weeks ago I met up with Garth (Amy and Kates bro - refer to Caliwood blog). It was awesome seeing him as I handed seen him since the Bungalow so we had a lot of catching up to do.  We called his sisters out in Europe as they are traveling over there right now but will be home in August and we will get to reunite then.  Cant wait I miss you girls!!!
One morning we are all in our room and we heard a loud popping noise kind of like a fuse blew.  We started checking all the outlets in our room but couldn't see anything. Then Lil started smelling smoke but we couldn't see where it was coming from. We then notice smoke coming out of the fan vent in the bathroom and pouring out the window and the wall was yellowed like it had been burned.  So Lil went to the front desk to let them know.  Alex (one of the long termers) comes in with a fire extinguisher and sprays the the vent.  Alex - "I tried telling everyone to get out of the room because I didn't want anyone to inhale all the stuff but there is Emmie 'give me a minute I have to finish my makeup' what a muppet".  He came back to see if the fire was out but you could see flames coming up through the vent.  Next thing you know 3 fire trucks pull up and the firefighters head towards our room.  This blonde female bombshell walks up in her firefighter attire and now the attention of the fire in our room has gone to her.  No one cared about our room anymore, nope, all of the guys stuck their heads out of the windows or pulled up a chair and sat and watched her go to work. It was priceless.  Anyways they said the fan was old and it just decided to go but that everything was fine and the fire was now out.  The fan has been replaced though it was making a horrible high pitched rattling noise so they had to come back and fix it.  My spider (Lucy) who lived on the window survived the fire...I say lived because when Alex cleaned our room he cleaned her web away.  Every morning I walk into the bathroom and look up and say "good morning Lucy"  we have an understanding, she stays up there and she is aloud to live with us. But I went in the other day looked up to say good morning to her and she wasn't there, and I noticed her web was gone and the window was spotless :( I was a little sad as I had kind of gotten used to her but we now have a new one that lives under the sink that Jemma has named Richard but instead of staying in his web he decided to go for an adventure along our floor which didn't go over to well with Lil so we had to get one of the guys to take him outside.    Bye bye Richard.
Anyways...I am going to sign off and enjoy the sound of the drunktarts outside my window...I have a tendancy to hide out these days though my little chicks come in throughout the night to let me know what is going on, oh how I love them dearly.

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