Friday, May 27, 2011

Just a (Backwards) Note

A few translations I forgot in the last post:
crisps = chips
chips = fries
I have to wee = I have to pee (female)
Take a slash = take a piss (male)
Cotton tips = Qtips
Aussies use kilo's to weigh themselves and the UK use stones.
Petrol = gas
Car park = parking lot
Rubbish/rubbish bin = garbage
Goone = boxed wine. Please drink with care and under the supervision of others...this shit will kill you.
They love vegemite here as well as avacado and pumkin/squash with everything.
I forgot to mention in my last post how backwards everything is here and I am not just talking about the driving (which I am still adjusting to). You know how when you walk by someone you move to the right...well here everyone moves to the left. Do you have any idea what that is like working in a restaurant?!? Every night at work it never fails that I come around a corner (on the right ) with my hands full of plates almost running in to someone carrying food out to the tables "left Emmie left...stick to your left" "I know, my bad" I constantly have to remind myself "just go left" and then sometimes I go to my left and they go right and then I get frustrated because I am trying to train my brain and then someone goes and screws it all up, it's so frustrating. Plus all the doors open to the left here, even the fridge. I couldn't figure out how to open the soda fridge in the reception office when I first got here..."we're in Australia, the fridges open to the left here, it confuses everybody." The doors in buidlings and rooms open in not out, all their outlets have switches on them, we are going into winter not summer and they barely celebrate Halloween in this country...ASS IF!!! I'm surprised not everyone is left handed. But...their water does not go down the opposite way as ours, that is a myth.
Another thing that really gets me. When I first arrived in Australia I paid for something and the woman behind the counter said "tah" know, like when your little and your mum (look now I say mum like them) puts her hand out and says "tah" for you to give her something. I was a little confused, did she just say "tah" like I am 3 years old? Who says that to a grown person? Well, people use it here when handing you something or receiving something from's so wierd. I feel like I am a toddler again, I am really going backwards!!! I am surprised North, South, East and West are not opposite to ours lol!!!

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