Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Ask and You Shall Receive, Unless They Don't Want to Serve You!!! Why Do We Smell Burning Hair?!?

Things have not been overly exciting though I did have an issue with a curling iron last week.  I wanted to curl my hair for something different the other day, I plug in my curling iron and wait for it to heat up.  Now one thing you must know before I continue is that Australia has a different wattage then us so when I use things like my hairdryer I have to have it on low - not high - because it over heats and shuts off and leaves the smell of something burnt behind.  So knowing this and of course having a blonde moment which we all know when it comes to me happens more frequently then it should, I plug in my curling iron and set it at high.  I come back a few minutes later, check it - it was hot - take a piece of hair and wrap it around the curler.  I take it out and notice that my hair didn't curl? Thats wierd.  I look at the curler...where did that big wad of hair come from?  I don't remember it being there before.  Then I look to the piece of hair I had just attempted to curl, or should I say the piece of hair that was left!!! Yup!!! Burnt right off, it had a brownish yellow tint to it and was shorter then it should've been.  "I'm such a dumbass!" So I turn it off and wait for it to cool down.  When i went to take the hair off it literally just went to dust, I just had to rub it off and it just fell off into tiny pieces.  I even had it all over my neck - it was like the little pieces of hair you get on you when you get your hair cut.  My housemates come out of their room...did you burn your hair? thats all we can smell in our room!  After it cooled down I plugged it back in ON LOW this time! A little worried this time but ended up with nice curls.  I'm really debating whether or not to use my electric razor?
 I'm working lots, though, now that I am not living in the hostel I am more willing to go out and Monday night was one of those nights where I just wanted to get wasted and have a good time...I haven't really done it in months and figured it was about time.  
Bonnie came over for some pre-drinks with my housemate Corey and I.   Corey and his BFF Kesi moved in about 2 weeks ago.  They are pretty cool and we get along really well and I love having them around and they are definately fun to go out with...well Corey is, Kesi hasn't come out with us.  Anyways, back to Monday night.  We had some drinks at our place and listened to some music.  Of course because I don't get out too much I wanted to dress up but I really dont have much - when your clothes are in a backpack you don't notice how much you DON"T have because things get pushed to the bottom and when you find them it's almost like something new;but now that all my stuff is in drawers my wardrobe seems really sad, 3 shirts, 3 tank tops, jeans, 4 pairs of leggings 2 pairs which have holes in them lol it's so sad.  I put on a pair of leggings and just couldn't get along with any of my shirts so Corey - who is a model and completely into fashion - dressed me - yup his clothes - did my hair and my makeup and off we went to Prince of Wales for gay Monday!!! Gotta love gay Mondays.  Drag show with Paris - love her.  Beautiful men all around me - all gay, I always try and find a straight one but no such luck and the ones who are straight a far from goodlooking so I just stick to the gay ones and flirt, look good and get free drinks lol - they buy me drinks and dont expect to get in my pants its great!!!  We met this older guy outside - we were trying to scam drinks as we don't have a ton of money-  and started chatting himm up  we introduced ourselves Bonnie = Sarah, Corey = Dave, Me = Veronica.  We said we were all backpackers (Corey is a local) and we all met travelling.  Corey and I said we met on a stop over in Moscow.  I said that my mom was a Neuropsychologist and that my dad was a big time Criminal and that they were assholes and wouldn't give me any money to travel so I had to do it on my own. We kept telling him stories (which he seemed to believe) and then I told him that my parents were rich and I was living off their money and travelling the world after I just finished telling him they were jerks and wouldnt help me out lol...ahhh its fun playing someone else sometimes.  Anyways Corey asked him if he liked shots so we all went inside.  Corey ordered the shots.  The guy wouldn't pay for them so the bartender took them back and Corey took the mans beer and drank it and then we never saw him again...I know it sounds like we are horrible people but you really had to be there it was so much fun.  We watched the show and danced  the time warp, drank out of jugs and got completely smashed.  We must've left sometime after 2am, Bonnie had already gone home at this point but Corey and  I were still going strong and had two more people with us now.   We walked back towards are place and for some reason walked past our place to Acland Street - the main street with shops on it just around the corner.  I have absolutely no idea why we went to Acland but all I know is we ended up finding a shopping cart...I'm guessing you know where this is going?!?  I ended up in it with Corey pushing me up and down the street.  Corey got hungry and decided "lets go through the Mackers Drive Thru"  Off we go to Mackers, me in the buggy with his friend Matt and Corey pushing us at a really fast running pace almost running us into a few poles and cars but we did make it there safe.  So there we are drunk,  at the drive thru in a buggy...ya that didn't go over to well.  All I hear over the speaker is "Don't serve them!" The manager refused to serve us...said we had to go in...Corey tried giving him mmoney for the order but the man wouldn't take it and refused to serve us.  Apparantly here in Oz they won't serve you like that...they do back home lol.   Anyways drunk and hungry due to the lack of food service we went home and stayed up till about 6 am.  "OMG last night was soo much fun can we do it again?!?" says Corey the next morning when we both woke up on the couches in our living room.  Good times!!!
I finally went down to the St Kilda Pier.  It's literally a five minute walk from my house and I never went to check it out.  I took an hour to myself and went all the way down the pier, looked out at the water, looked back at St Kilda with the CBD buildings in the background.  There is a marina for boats at the pier.  There are tons of sailboats with their masts going straight up with the background of straight edged city buildings in the back and a blue blue sky.  It was a really awesome view.  I have been trying to get up early in the morning - well Corey and I have been trying to get up early - to do morning walk/runs on the beach, but it hasn't been working to well.  Our one roommate - the Ray Brower guy - smokes pot, in the house, the the windows closed and I swear its been making me sleep hardcore and making me groggy in the morning...thats the excuse I am using anyways.
Bonnie and some of my little chicks left on a road trip up to Cairns.  I miss not having her around and she has only been gone for two days.  She's been with me pretty much my whole time in Oz and has had such an impact on my experience, its kind of lonely now.  I have one little chick left and she leaves in two weeks for Thailand so soon it is just gonna be me.  Though I am leaving Melbourne within the next 3-5 weeks!!! As much as I am spending most of my nights working it's all paying off.  Everything I have asked for I have recieved.  The universe really has worked for me the past week.  I'm getting my tax money back, VISA increased my limit - don't worry mom I will be careful - and I got a second job, actually, I got three job offers!  I can't really complain about much,  it's all coming together.  Ask and you shall receive.

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