I'm guessing a lot of you are wondering if I have or plan on seeing Ryan as he is back home in Australia. The answer is yes! He was actually the reason I was stopping in Sydney for two days. After spending the night in the terminal I wasn't sure how fresh I would feel by the time he met me at the airport but, the flight was pretty much empty with a middle isle of 4 seats that were empty so I got to stretch out with my new stolen doona cover and sleep the whole way.
He laughed at me when he saw the size of my backpack - no other backpacker I have met has one like mine - but unlike Dallas did help me carry my things on the bus and train till we got to the hotel. Yup thats right, HOTEL! No noisy roommates or bunk beds, thin pillows, small doonas and cold showers for two whole days. Nice big bed, balcony that had a perfect view of Hyde Park and the Anzac Memorial, a kitchenette, nice bathroom and breakfast in our fridge, for a backpacker this is living like royalty!!! The only thing Ryan was upset about was that there was no pool. We were gonna fill up the sink in the kitchenette and put on our swimmers but we thought it could end up dangerously.
We dropped our stuff off and then headed out into Sydney.What a city! Probably my favourite city so far...it's so beautiful. Its bigger then Melbourne but it's got this cozy warmth to it with a really nice vibe. Our first stop...was Sydney Harbour. So beautiful. We walked all the way around it until we were smack dab infront of the Opera House!!! Exciting, I had told Ryan I really wanted to go see it. We grabbed a drink at the bar/restaurant right out the front of the Opera House on the Harbour where we had a perfect view of the Sydney Harbour Bridge. There were tons of seagulls and all I could think of was Finding Nemo...mine mine mine. "They are saying it" Ryan told me "no they are not it doesnt even sound the same" "thats because they are saying it in Australian"...dork! "you know I sang at the Opera House, on the stage" "you did not" "Yes I did" "Ryan you can't sing I dont think they would let you on the stage" " I so did, in a choir" I couldve hit him, he made it sound like it was all just him up there on that big stage singing, he wants me to ask his mom about it. After that hewanted to take me to his favourite place in Sydney, Darling Harbour, but I of course couldn't miss the chance for a photo opp so I made Ryan take pictures of me in front of the Opera House - just like every other tourist in the world lol.
We felt like shit in the morning. The pills didn't work they just made our stomach upset so we decided to go back to bed for a nap and get back up in an hour. We went and grabbed some Asian food for lunch...Sydney is all about the Asian food even more so then Melbourne, it is everywhere! I could barly eat I was so hung over and we had a lot of food. We packed it up and dropped it off back in the room and went for another nap. We got up about an hour later and walked through Hyde Park and looked at the Anzac Memorial where it is actually against the law to sit on the steps. Then he wanted to take me to his favourite store. It was the Lambourghini dealership. "I thought he was at least going to take me somehwere that he could buy me something" I told the salesmen. Ryan sat in a couple of the cars and told me how good they felt and talked about the beauty of the cars. He is so passionate about cars like really passionate, the way they are made, the way their curves go, how they are built and its just incredible really how much he loves cars, its really beautiful how passionate he is about them. Me on the other hand I liked the yellow one! After my car lesson we headed over to Kings Cross to see the famous Coke sign and walk through the streets of the Cross.
The Cross is a great area, dodgy but great. The streets are really small with clubs and nudey bars at every second door and some not so nice looking people sitting outside smoking their cigarettes. Almost kind of like the St. Kilda of Sydney except once again like Sydney a warm coziness to it and a different vibe. After walking around for an hour we went and searched for Boost Juice (kind of like our Booster Juice) I was so dehydrated and wanted something fruity. After about 45 minutes and a 10 minute wait I finally got my Boost only to leave more then half of it in the cup because we fell back asleep when we got back to our room. I know so much sleeping but man that rum killed us...I'm not used to drinking the nice stuff anymore and Ryan, well surprisingly he could keep up with me but usually he is a light weight lol.
We got up around 530 because we were suppossed to meet up with his friend for drinks, but had to cancel because he was sick. Still wanting to have a night out on the town we dressed up and went to the Sushi Train for dinner.
It was sooooooooooo good, I had never been to one before. The chefs are in the centre of the restaurant and around them is a kind of like a bar where everyone sits and all the sushi is put on conveyer belt type of thing and you take off what you want as it goes by. We had tuna sashimi, fried oysters which were amazing, Ryan had eel, crab balls oh man it was soo good, definatly not a backpacker meal. We were stuffed but satisfied. We hopped into a cab and we were off to some of the most riztiest and high class clubs in Sydney. We went to the Establishment for a drink and then made our way to the Ivy. I dont even go to places like this back home. Both clubs are not over done at all, almost plane but so classy. We stayed at the Ivy for quite a while and just drank and got into deep conversations about life and a bunch of other deep stuff. We hit one more bar and then got back to the room and fell asleep.
It was soo good go see Ryan, I had missed him so much. It had been 8 months since we had last seen eachother, a little too long for me but we are both doing our own thing. We werent even suppossed to see eachother while I was over here because he was suppossed to be back in LA so it was really nice that we got to do this. He was a great tour guide, he knows so much about Sydney and the history of the buildings and who owns the buildings, pointed out where he used to work and live. It was really great, I couldnt of asked for a better guide, I am so glad he was the one to show me around Sydney. I really hope I get to go back and spend more time there. Talking was so easy, almost like no time had passed. Its wierd to think that a year ago I said goodbye to him in Cali and a year later almost to the day we were sitting in a classy club in Sydney. We both went out of our budgets but we never got to splurge and go out when we were in Cali we were always so broke so it was so nice to be able to go out and see and do things. Of course when Wednesday morning hit I was my upset self like I usually am when I have to say goodbye to him. He came to the airport with me, had some lunch and then he had to hop on a train back to New Castle. As usual we had or should I say I had my teary goodbye and we parted ways. We are maybe going to see eachother in the summer but plans can change, keep your fingers crossed though.
Now I am in Cairns. It is so nice up here. Its so tropical up here and the weather is beautiful and I love the locals up here they are so friendly. The hostel I am staying at is awesome. It's got this beachy feel to it with a nice pool with rocks to jump off of, picnic tables, pool table, a bar, couches, music playing all day, the rooms are clean, the toilets and showers, though kind of out door concept are impecable. They have free shuttles to and from the airport as well as a shuttle every hour to pick up and drop off in Cairns Central. The staff is great. They have giveaways, happy hours twice a day, they can book any day trip you want, brand new computers and it is so chilled out. You cant hear the music from your room, well it depends on which house you are in. The houses almost look like beach houses with lower and upper levels, there is really no inside (except your rooms) everything is pretty much open concept, the bar and pool table area is just a covered area that have big wicker lights hanging down. It is it's own little paradise. We are not to far from town. You can walk to the foreshore strip in about twenty minutes. The forshore is right on the water, its a strip of restaurants, cafe's and shops. Across the street is the grassed area where people just lay out in their bathing suits tanning and beyond that is the lagoon, a saltwater pool surrounded by sand and kind of concrete decks that is free and it overlooks right onto the beach. HEAVENNNNNNNN!!!! It's great here and I have met some really nice people. I even met up with Matthew my first night, remember my dormmate from Fiji who was with me in Auckland? He is living up the street from here so he came by for drinkks. I think Cairns is exactly what I needed, I have had an emotional few weeks and haven't felt the greatest and this I feel will be the perfect remedy.