Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My New Home, Rotorua Smelling Farts and a Crackhouse Cabaret!

Ahhh Melbourne. What a place.  I fucking love it here! I am currently living in Saint Kilda which is amazing.  Its a mix of Hollywood Blvd meets Venice Beach meets Kensington Market meets incredible food fusion and bakery's. The streets are small but they are lined with shops,restaurants, cafe's and bars.  There is a market every Sunday , St. Kilda Beach Pier, and Luna Park - a small little theme park down the street from me.  Everything is in walking distance,  it has a great night life and I am one tram ride away from Melbourne City. 
The city is awesome though I haven't really spent too much time scoping it out yet so that will definately have to be another blog.  I have been there but its to go out and drink lol at night so its dark but a day into the city is going to happen soon.  If I hop on another tram I get to Dallas's house :)  It's amazing that I can see and call him pretty much everyday.  It was so great seeing him again.
My flight is alright, of course I had to drink my last night in QT and wasn't feeling 100% the next day plus the food was not included in the price and were charging $10 a sandwhich which I was not gonna do.  I ended up sharing a row with this really nice woman who held my hand, as soon as we took of my face changed and she grabbed my hand lol I am the worst backpacker in the world! I'm afraid of everything lol.
I got stopped going through customs because of my record.  It's gonna be a bitch going in and out of Australia, I am going to get questioned every single time I come back in, and they didn't even stamp my passport :(  I look forward to my stamps.  Oh well maybe next time.  I was so excited to walk through the gates and see Dallas!  He tried hugging me but my backpack is massive and he couldnt even get his arms around me.  He had a rehearsal so we were off that way and then back to his place to get ready to go out.  I was so exhausted, jetl lagged, hungover and hungry - the asshole didn't even offer to carry any of my stuff lol.  Just keeps walking, he finally took one of my bags and then tried handing it back to me and I said "aren't you going to carry it?"  "oh ya"  what a dork.
We got back to his place just before five and had to be at the restaurant by 6.  I barley had time for anything.  All I wanted to do was sleep.  I was sitting on the couch with my head back Dallas comes in the room "dont you dare".
Dinner was amazing. The food was indescribable and the service was amazing.  We had a free glass of champagne when we got there.  The wine never stopped.  One of the bottles that we ordered was the last onethe world.  Dallas ordered for everyone because working there he knew what to get and let me tell you,  there are things that a backpacker live off of and this was no backpacker meal.  My tastebuds were on overload and they were loving it lol.  I even tried oysters, love them!!! 
After dinner Dallas, Alana and I headed to this gay club called The Peel!  I loved it!  I am such a hag lol!  The guys are beautiful!  They buy you drinks and don't expect anything out of it lol.  At one point in the night Dallas was doing his "I'm really drunk and need to go home" dance which is basically spot he can rest his head, close his eyes but still wiggle his butt.  Not wanting to leave because I was in heaven but knew getting Dallas home to bed was the best way to go.  As we are about to leave a great song comes on and three muscle heads walk on the dance floor....and Dallas is all of a sudden awake and alert shaking his thing on the dance floor.  We wiggled our butts a little longer and then cabbed back to D's where we stayed up drinking with his flatmate to the wee hours of the morning.
We weren't feeling so good the next day lol.  Like really shitty.  I dont know how Alana made it to work in the morning.  Dallas took me to get phone and then he had to work in the afternoon and his flatmates were at work all day so it was just me Doobie their dog and Bella the spider that lives in the ceiling of the back porch.  I did my laundry and curled up with a bag of chips and watched movies all day.  It was so nice, I hadn't done it in so long.   Doobie was on one end of the couch so i just put my feet up on him, he snores really loud and when he farts it smells like Rotorua, for any of you that have been there you know what I mean and if not the best way I can explain is a constant smell of sulpher.  When ever that dog farts he takes me back to my days in Rotorua haha.
Dallas's flatmate Claire came home about 10p and opened a bottle of wine, sure I wouldnt mind a glass.  A few bottles later and finishing off my Bacardi we were drunkin idiots, she even called the guys and asked them to grab some wine on their way home from work.  Can you believe they have drive through bottle shops!  Gotta love this country.
The next day Dallas and Alana took me to St. Kilda as this is where I decided I was going to park myself for the next couple of months.  I had an appointment so see a backpackers apartments - people on work and travel visas who need a place less quiet then a hostel but you pay weekly as there are no committments.  Perfect right?  Not so much.  The building itself was old and ugly, the apartment was dirty and looked like something out of a trailer park, no internet no laundry and $170 a week.  "I'll call you" I said to the guy and quickly left. Dallas and Alana were outside yelling "emmie don't go another step further, get out while you still can" Dallas was like "you are not staying here"  which as soon as I walked in I had already decided that, I dont want to live in a place where I feel like I need to shower every five minutes.  Alright next place.  We check out this hostel.  I said I was on a work and travel visa and needed a place i could park myself for about a month or two.  The manager said no problems just no guests, dont be loud and no drugs...ya unless we buy them from you.  He was high on something, he had these  beedy eyes, and black teeth and he had little beeds of sweat coming out of every orofus of his face.  We walked in and out of that place really quickly.  Off to a few other places...3rd spot...they do say thrid time is a charm.   The hostel is a red bricked old motel, same kind of style as The Vibe in Hollywood.  A lot of the backpackers here work so are actually living here.  It's clean and affordable, they have laundry and internet, though I bought mobile broadband so I have internet everywhere now.  Everyone here is really great.   There are some musicians that sit outside and sing all the time,  there is a tv room, small kitchen, a small spider in my bathroom that I have named Lucy,  I have scottish roommates that I can't understand half of what they are saying, and when they drink it's worse.   I knew as soon as I walked in this was the place so I got booked in for the next day.
Dallas had to work that night so I made plans to meet up with Suzanne - one of our dormmates from the good old Banana Bungalow in WeHo- who is still traveling and living in Melbourne! Crazy! So we meet up for drinks.  She had met this guy at her hostel who decided to tag along.  Man was he boring.  Everytime we said something he had a bigger and better story to telll.  He also refused to eat like a backpacker so made sure to have a really good job so he didn't have to travel or eat like one, plus when we were followingt him some where he was so fast "look there is a table available" before we even stepped with one foot he is already out on the patio at the table with a drink and a smoke. All he did was talk about himself, ughhh I was so glad when Dallas was done work and we got to go home.
The next morning I packed and made my way with Dallas to Saint Kilda, to my new home.  I checked in, we went for lunch and then he headed off to work.  I didn't really do much, its always overwhelming when you get to a new place and don't know anyone and everyone else seems to know everyone else.   I hung out with my dormmate Gabby a little bit, she was getting ready to go back home.  I made it an early night read my book and went to bed.   The next day Suzanne and I planned to meet up in Saint Kilda and look around.   We walked down to the water which was boring so we decided to go to Luna Park a well known theme park.  The entrance way is a huge moon man face and you walk through is mouth to get in.  Entrance was free but tickets for the rides were expensive so we just looked around and laughed at ourselves infront of the mirrors that made us look like Oompa Loompas!
We left Luna and decided to stop somewhere and have a drink.  Well that drink turned into a couple glasses of wine which turned into a couple bottles of wine.  We were having a blast though, we talked about LA and how it seems like a different life and who would've thought we were gonna see eachother again.  At one point in the night I see this girl sitting at a table drinking a beer by herself...she is definately a backpacker, she just had that backpacker look, there is a look that they have its hard to explain, and she was sitting at a bar by herslef having a beer, definatly a backpacker.   So we called her (Bonnie) over and our twosome is now a threesome, then we were a foursome.  Some guy sits with us and then pretty much paid our tab for us which was great and then he went off his own way PERFECT.  The girls decided to come back to the hostel but we needed a bottle of vodka, we went through that fast we hadded buy wine from the reception.  We just partied with everyone at the hostel.  It was a great night and very random lol.
The next morning we woke up not feeling the greatest and  Bonnie decided she wanted to move into my hostel at the end of the week so we are going to be dorm mates soon which is gonna be so nice.  She is a pretty cool chick.   We pretty much lounged around all day and then I was meeting Dallas for dinner at Dracula's.  Dallas's flatmate is the manager at Dracula's and offered me a job there, so we were going for dinner to check it out! WOW!
You walk in to a comedic version of Dracula's tomb and a bald Rif Raf sort of character introduces himself as Scumbag and welcomes us into a night of terror.  We are led upstairs to a bar where there are pictures on the wall with moving eyes and puppet robot on the wall playing a piano.  We grab a drink and then we get on the ghost train.  Its this little ride with things hanging from the ceiling and wherewolves on the wall, though I kept my eyes closed through it because I hate being scared but it was more funny then anything.  We stop, get out and our led to our seats FRONT ROW!  Plus I was chosen to get my picture taken with the cast (which Juzzy planned) we ordered champagne and just enjoyed.  The characters were amazing, and the costumes were great.  There is little bus boy who hopped around and when the music got faster he hopped faster it was so funny.  Scumbag kept sliding on his butt across the stage, you had Dragula -Dracula in Drag, it was just hilarious.  There is a pre-show with a dead drummer and guitarist and the performers get up and sing.   Then the show starts, OMG there are no words to describe the Crackhouse Cabaret! The music is all covers of things, the performers are amazing the costumes are great, there was even sperms and a giant talking penis, I know it doesn't sound right but  it was amazing, and raunchy, sexy and necro and so unpolitically it was great!  We had so much fun and I get to start work in about a week.  I get to dress up in charachter and everything, its gonna be amazing. 
I only remember getting out of the cab last night, and waking up on my bed still in my heels leather jacket and skirt.  I didnt remember anything, fucking champagne!  I aparantly called one of the guys at the hostel from the cab and said I didn't feel to good...why are you calling me shouldnt you tell him so he can pull over.  My dormmates said today, we are glad you are awake.  We thought you were dead because you didn't move once you were on the bed, and then you started snoring and we wanted to roll you over but we remmber you sayying you wake up sometimes not knowing where you are so we didnt want you to get scared.  LOL I am a piece of work.  Ahh I had a blast it was so worth it.
I am settling in great and am so happy, though still homesick at times I am having the time of my life.  Tonight Bonnie is coming over we are cooking dinner and going to plan a day trip.  Ahhh the life of a backpacker...I wonder if I could do this professionally!

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