We survived our 11 days straight of work. The last few days were hell but we survived. We were so happy Saturday morning that we had two days to relax though unfortunately we didn’t have access to any wheels and we couldn’t hitch a ride with any truckies because they only had room for one passenger. We really wanted to get out of the Springs for two days, I did not want to spend our days off there doing nothing and being depressed. We were in our room contemplating what to do when there was a knock on the door; it was the owner. “As of right now your employment is terminated so pack up your stuff and Jason is driving you into Darwin.” That was it! We packed up and left within half an hour.
We knew something was up, the last few days were getting pretty bad, the owner was treating me like shit. Infact, the night before he fired us Dan was behind the bar and when he looked down on the floor he saw my iPod. “Why is Emmies iPod on the floor?” “Well I hooked it up to the radio and that was the only spot I didn’t get any static” replied the owner ``so you take my missus` iPod and leave it on the floor in the most walked spot where anyone of us can step on it. How bout I take your iPod and leave it on the floor`` Dan picks it up and puts it on the stereo…no static ``gee, look at that no static!`` Can you believe that! My personal property and he treats it like that, it just shows you his respect level. Not only that, two of their former employees came back and they were both on bar…so now there are 6 of us on the bar? Nope, made sure he had staff before he got rid of us so he wouldn’t get screwed over…CUNT!!! Goodbye Emerald Springs.
Dear D & B, you are not the type of people who should be employing backpackers, you are selfish and a mean man who has no respect for anyone including a wife who is not well. You stand around giving out orders while everyone else works there ass off including your wife who shouldn’t be working as hard as she does. You don’t know to treat people or talk to them, and if you really cared about your staff you would’ve addressed the so-called issue with us early on to possibly avoid the termination and on top of that you would have actually listened to us when we tried to explain things about your prescious customer W who is an old fat cunt with no respect for others which is probably why you like him because he is just an older fatter version of you. You would’ve listened at the fact that he throws his money at us instead of handing it to us, I bet he never told you that Dan got mad at him and to not throw his money at us, you didn’t know that did you…Mr. W didn’t tell you about that did he, he just told you I was a bitch and didn’t like me, maybe that’s because I don’t like people who treat others especially me like shit for no apparent reason, do unto others as you would have done unto you, you treat people like shit so they treat you the same and you don’t like it. You wonder why you go through so much staff, why they leave in the night it’s not your staff, it’s you!!! Oh and about my iPod on the floor, how bout we put B’s there and see if someone steps on it, would you do that with your wifes iPod…haha I wouldn’t put it past you. Maybe you should lay off the fucking beer and the amphetamines that we all know you take but maybe you feel they make you a better person but I don’t think it’s possible for you to be a better person, you’re the type of person that I feel is a waste of space and doesn’t do anything good for man kind except give Aussie’s a bad name and a bad work experience. Your also a waste of breath and I have wasted too much writing this so I will sign off by saying, I hope for you that one day you wake up and actually see how beautiful the world is and that treating people with respect actually gives you a nice feeling inside, miracles can happen I think your miracle is B, she is a beautiful woman and I don’t know how you ended up with her, maybe you can give her a miracle by being a nice man. Merry Xmas and good fucking riddance.